Food for thought

Posted by lindsay on June 1, 2014


Still in debates about whether America is a good choice for property investment? Consider the following. 

The American rental property market provides one of the highest returns available in relation to the funds required to invest at purchase. When compared to much of Europe or the United Kingdom, the US provides some of the best rent-to-value ratios in a market that is established, and a country that is relatively stable. Also, with English as the primary language, there isn't a speech barrier for most investors. The country has an extensive pool of quality tenants and the government had made property investment very tax efficient. Regardless of the country's setbacks, the American dollar is a pretty stable currency and will offer a good diversification against another in the global market. Further, there are no restrictions on foreigners owning rental homes in America. With so many attractive options on offer, at such reasonable prices, property investment is worth investigating.